Well, it has been a little bit of a rough week!George had his Zometa infusion on Wednesday. He was already feeling very fatigued as a result of the cumulative effects of the radiation. On Thursday, he started feeling just plain awful. Cold chills that he couldn't shake and extreme fatigue.
He also noticed a sore that looked like a bite on his right leg that all of a sudden started to look pretty bad. It had redness radiating out from it like fingers and new sores were popping up around it. We thought maybe it was a brown recluse spider bite, but then we were pointed in the direction of a possible staph infection (!!).
On Saturday morning, after a night of freezing cold chills that wouldn't stop and feeling really lousy, we decided he needed to go to the emergency room- especially if it was indeed a staph infection.
He spent the day at the ER getting bloodwork done and receiving antibiotics via IV for what turned out to be cellulitis. He was also sent home with a prescription for antibiotics.
He is starting to improve- the antibiotics seems to be helping to clear up the infection on his leg. He still doesn't feel very good, however. He is pretty worn out and feeling quite discouraged after a week of this. He is very anxious to be back his "old self".
It's been a little frustrating because since he had three different factors coming into play all at once (radiation, Zometa, infection) you're just not sure what is causing what.
On an up note- his hip is feeling much, much improved and he is now completely off the morphine! So we are at least moving in the right direction.
George got his first infusion of Zometa today.He has noticed a little more improvement in the pain department in his right hip today as well- he is able to go longer without using a "push" of the pain med.Things to pray for:- pain continues to subside as tumor shrinks from radiation
- normal energy levels will resume- he's operating at about 60% of his usual self.
- side effects from Zometa won't be severe. he is noticing jaw pain, which they said could happen. it can also cause bone pain (which is so interesting, since it's supposed to help the bones...) and flu-like symptoms (which he is experiencing as well).
George is finished with radiation!!! hooray!!! only 2 weeks, so not as bad as the last time he had radiation (about 6 years ago... over 7 weeks!!!) but it's still an ordeal of every day driving to the hospital, and feeling tired, and dealing with pain medication...but it can always be worse, and we try to stay positive!!He can still drive.He can still fairly maintain his normal routine.He can climb steps.He can smile. :-)He did notice today that the pain in his hip is noticeably improved. It's not entirely gone, and it does still bother him, but any improvement at all is a move in the right direction, so that is very, very encouraging!!He goes in on Wednesday to get his first infusion of Zometa- the drug I had mentioned before that is supposed to help with bone rebuilding and tumor suppression.
We know that without the love and kindness and generosity of so many of our family, friends, and people we have never even met, we would not have been able to get George to the treatment center when we did.
While we were there, we met a brave young man named Matthew. His mom, Diane, is refusing to give up on Matthew or let Matthew give up on himself. He has a long, hard fight ahead of him, and the cost of cancer is overwhelming.
Diane and I got to know each other well while her son and my husband were being treated. I shared with her about the website and the crazy cookbook fundraiser we did for George- and after a lot of work, she has just launched one for Matthew.
Please visit www.friendsformatthew.com and please, tell everyone you know.
Let's help another fighter!!!
I wanted to thank everyone who is out there keeping George in prayer. That means so much to us!!He has completed his first week of radiation.So far, he hasn't noticed any significant decrease in pain, but we stay hopeful and optimistic that it is soon to come!Meanwhile, he is using painkillers that are half-way doing the trick, but also creating some annoying side effects (like, hiccups of all things!).Overall, his spirits are good and he's doing his best to maintain his normal schedule with working and other obligations. In fact, as I type he is installing a neat organizational gadget in the kitchen!He's not a man that's easy to get or keep down!!Another bit of news is that he will be seeing a doctor regarding a newer medication that is supposed to help rebuild bone that's been invaded by cancer as well as help suppress any new tumors from popping up, and killing off any existing. We are very interested and excited about giving this drug a whirl! I can't remember the name of it- I will update about that when I get that information. ******
He has one more week of radiation (10 treatments total). He goes in on Tuesday to see the doctor and get an xray so we will have a better idea of how the tumor in his iliac bone is responding thus far.Thank you again for your prayers- and don't stop!!****** The drug is called ZOMETA.