Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Today we are mourning the loss of Matthew, the young man I shared about earlier.
He put up a good, hard fight, but lost last night.

Please keep his mom, Diane, in your prayers- as well as the rest of his family.

Matt- we won't forget you, man.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

George had his second infusion of Zometa yesterday, and we just sort of held our breaths while we waited to see what his body's reaction to it would be....
NOTHING!! He has had no side effects and feels fine!!
HOORAY!!! that is so awesome because after the whole ordeal last month, we were nervous about what to expect.

Not a whole lot to report. He is doing well and we want it to just stay like that for a very long time!! We like it when we have nothing to report!!