An overdue thank you-
a very special friend of ours' who is SO sweet to George gave us a beautiful bit of Christmas Cheer! She made for us the very pretty wreath you see hanging on our house.Thank you, Debbie!! We love it!!
We had an interesting turn of events today! George went to his first visit with the Orthopedic Oncologist this morning. After x-raying his leg and hip, and discussing symptoms, the doctor decided that George doesn't need to do anything right now! The one possible problem is that the doctor did not receive copies of the recent scans (even though we were told they had been sent- and received!) so he didn't have that information to help his decision. George is going to get those put on a CD on Friday and send them to the doctor, and then we'll find out if he still feels the same. If so, then George doesn't have to do any treatment right now- which would be FANTASTIC!!This could mean that the bone scan was showing other activity- such as remineralization of the bone caused by the Zometa infusion he gets monthly- and not necessarily new tumor sites.Pray the verdict remains the same! That would be a GREAT start to 2010!!