Well... we don't always get exactly what we ask for, do we?? But somehow we still have to trust that God has our lives in His hands in spite of it all.
George's scans came back not so great after all. He has multiple new "occurrences" ranging from his skull to his lower spine.
So, that was a bit disheartening... but let me tell you about our trip.
We drove to Cleveland on Sunday after church, stopping at Columbus on the way up to enjoy a lovely downtown lunch. Here is George at La Fogata Grill (highly recommend the Fajita Salad!!). We enjoyed a couple shops- one of which is a lovely little Turkish shop with all sorts of beautiful things to tickle your fancy! I got a pashmina and a necklace.

Once we got to Cleveland, we checked in at the Cleveland Clinic Guest House- right across the street from where all his appointments would be happening.
After getting settled in our room, we decided to drive down to Lake Erie to watch the sun set.
There is downtown Cleveland in the background.

George hanging out on the rocks.

After sunset we got a couple soft serves and walked out on the pier. A nice man offered to take our picture for us.
So after a lovely evening enjoying the beauty of Lake Erie, we got a good night's rest, and George headed over to the Clinic first thing Monday morning. He had scans from 9-2. It was a full day- complete with lovely things such as Barium. UGH.
After his scans came back, we met with the doctor, and he highly recommended that now is the time for George to consider chemotherapy. He took the time to "debunk" some common myths people have about chemo, which was very helpful in giving us more peace of mind about opting to go this route.
So, at the end of this month, George will begin a series of chemo treatments, once every 3 weeks, for about 6 months. He is starting a round of radiation next week in order to treat an area on his sternum that is causing pain, as well as the spot on his spine.
Keep him in your prayers as we chart these new waters- pray especially that he tolerates the chemo well- that he has minimal side effects- and most of all, that it is effective.
Thank you all so much for your prayers regarding his scans. We just have to keep trusting that God is taking care of George- and He is. We know He is. After all- 10 years later, I still have him!!!

This is us at a hot air balloon show we went to last night with his oldest daughter and her family.

George with his oldest daughter, Tessa.