George had his first chemo treatment on Monday.He seems to be tolerating it fairly well so far. Some fatigue, a bit of a sore throat, some bone pain... but no nausea- and we're hoping that stays away!!His attitude is good- he is able to keep up a fairly good pace, but is resting as needed. By the end of most days, he's pretty worn out. Between the residual from the radiation, and then the chemo, it's no wonder.But- so far so good! I will keep everyone updated as time goes by.His next treatment is August 30th.
Thank you for your prayers!!
Hello everyone! Sorry it has taken a while for another update.
Life has been busy! George has completed his radiation treatments to his chest, and has noticed a significant reduction in pain, so that's great news!
We also learned that the spot on his spine has been determined to be an arthritic spur, NOT cancer, so that's one less spot to worry about!! hooray!! We'll take whatever we can get....!
On this Monday, August 9th, George will have his first chemotherapy treatment.
Please pray for many things regarding this:
- minimal side effects
- his hair won't fall out
- he'll tolerate it well
- it won't disrupt his daily routine much
- and most of all, that it will do what it's supposed to do!!
His treatments will probably go until December. I will continue with regular updates to let you know how he is doing.
Thank you all sooo much for all your thoughts and prayers!!!