Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome- and an urgent prayer need!

Hello, Friends and Loved Ones! I decided to create this blog so that I can keep you up-to-date with George's progress as he vigilantly fights his battle with cancer.
As most of you know- he was treated at the
Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, CA during the month of October.
Many of you were VERY generous benefactors in helping us achieve our goal of $20,000 that was needed to be able to afford the alternative treatment he received there, and that was accomplished through a "silly little fundraiser" that I know was God-inspired: a cookbook sale. I cannot thank all of you enough, for the rest of my life, for allowing him the opportunity to have treatment there. I never want him to have to look back and think "if I'd only...".
The treatment he received there was very good, and it also helped validate the many steps we have already taken toward good health and healing.

As a result, we were able to enjoy our holidays and a small trip to Mexico in February without the heavy hand of cancer bearing down on us.

Unfortunately, this cancer is a relentless killer, determined to get the upper hand.
Last week, George was told that the spot in his hip has enlarged, and he had a spike in his psa. He also is experiencing, for the first time, pain as a result of the cancer.
The decision has been made for him to have the spot radiated, in hopes of stopping the cancer before it has a chance to cause him great harm, and spread further into his bones.
He will begin treatment on March 9th.
Please pray for SUCCESS with this treatment!!!

Thank you so much for visiting our blog- and I will try to keep it updated fairly regularly.


  1. Gina and George, I pray God surrounds you with His peace and fills you with His strength as you face this next battle. Press in to Him.

  2. Praying for you guys too...keep pressing on! Karyne

  3. We are praying for God's healing touch. We know miracles happen every day and we can't think of better people to receive one. Until then, we pray for peace and comfort. We love you both - Sandy & Gene

  4. Gina & George, you know how much we wish the best for you both!! You will always be in our prayers! We know exactly what you are going through. We love you both. Diane & Matthew

  5. Gina & George, you are both in my thoughts and prayers... Donna

  6. I'm praying for you both! I'm so glad that you have been implementing Alternative as well as Traditional health care. I'm sure you have looked into Candida (yeast) and the Cancer connection. Very compelling evidence in this.
